
Cârma omului...

Vremurile sunt tot mai tulburi !
by Dr Dan Waniek, MD

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Copyright © 2010

Sunt azi zeci de morţi, apoi multe alte zeci de răniţi, printre cei ce au spart blocul maritim care strângea Gaza, sufocând-o, ca într-un sicriu de plumb. Blocul acesta dura de ani de zile, ucigând un neam întreg. Este vorba de neamul cel cu adevărat semitic, de neamul lui Hristos când El S-a făcut om. O armată sionistă atât de depravată ca să execute ordinele de a trage în civili, se plânge, uite, că civilii "i-au atacat", câtă vreme ei îi ucideau. Printre cei care sparg blocul Gazei sunt evrei, pe care sionismul i-a declarat "pro-palestinieni", iar nu oameni. Sunt vremuri tot mai tulburi !

Zeci de oameni s-au sacrificat iar ! Acum în conştiinţa noastră comună nu se mai poate ascunde faptul că am ajuns deja în vremurile Globalistanului, la cheremul celor care decid că asasinatele sunt apărare, iar cei care nu se lasă asasinaţi sunt agresori. Trebuie imens de multă nesimţire ca să fi ajuns aici.

Dar iată, am ajuns aici ! Discursul nostru, chiar cel interior, cel pur sufletesc, a fost pervertit iremediabil spre minciuni fariseice, departe de Adevăr ! Vorbim de al treilea război mondial, de fronturi din Gaza, Liban, Siria, Coreea, sau Iran. Vorbim de "mesaje" sau de "politici" dar punem ochii în pământ când e vorba să ne privim morţii sau eroii !

Printre noi chiar mai sunt eroi. Domnul Să-i apere ! Dar nu e treba lor să se sacrifice pentru noi. Este treaba noastră să ne sacrificăm împietrirea inimii, ca să ne-o străpungem până ce vedem iar Adevărul. Altfel suntem deja vite ! Iată ce spunea lumii o fată, care abia ajunsă la vârsta de măritat, a fost asasinată pentru că apăra pe nedreptăţiţi:

Iată ce spunea lumii o fată, care abia ajunsă la vârsta de măritat, a fost asasinată pentru că apăra pe nedreptăţiţi, pe vremea când blocajul Gazei nu era total:

Reporter's Notebook:
When Humanitarian Aid cannot be called Humanitarian

by Michael Hoffman
Former reporter, New York bureau of the Associated Press

The Talmudic supremacist mentality will have overplayed its hand if this Israeli slaughter on the high seas is actually remembered and memorialized a year, or better yet, a decade from now, as very likely it will be. One of the new humanitarian aid ships joining the flotilla is the MV Rachel Corrie, named in memory of the American human rights worker who was killed in Palestine in 2003 by an armored Caterpillar corporation bulldozer operated by the Israeli military. The mostly well-educated westerners endeavoring to bring aid to Gaza are both highly literate and conscious of history and memory, elements destructive to the Israeli policy goal of pursuit of an unsung holocaust against Lebanon and Palestine with the connivance of the western mainstream media.

Speaking of which, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, analyzing the Israeli naval attack, remarks almost in passing on Zionist control of the US media. This politically incorrect fact has now entered our culture as an axiom. For evidence we need look no further than the remarkable unanimity by which the order to refrain from referring to the ship cargo and persons involved in bringing assistance to Gaza as "humanitarian aid" or "humanitarians." In almost every news account from the major corporate American media, the word "humanitarian" has been banned, substituted by "pro-Palestinian."

If this Israeli spin were present in one or two newspapers and broadcasts one might point to only a few Zionist executive editors as being at fault amidst an otherwise independent media. But this Orwellian language control is ubiquitous. From National Public Radio's Morning Edition to most major newspapers and broadcast outlets, the humanitarian relief is described as "pro-Palestianian" and the humanitarians are "pro-Palestinian activists." This conformist usage reflects Israeli control of the executive positions of almost all major U.S. media. They have infiltrated their lexicon into virtually the entire corporate media.

Israeli propaganda specialists know that they must politicize the aid ships and portray the aid effort as partisan and ideological, rather than philanthropic and a matter of basic human rights. The media's phrase "pro-Palestinian" precludes the fact that the fleet of ships is also "pro-Judaic," in that Judaic persons are involved in the relief effort and their involvement rehabilitates the image of Judaics worldwide by disassociating them from murderous Israeli Zionism. But the Zionist US media have ruled, in their Talmudic hubris, that the interest of Judaic people resides exclusively with Zionism and hence, the aid to Gaza effort is spoken and written about in a shuttered category -- as being only "pro-Palestinian."

You can be certain, however, that if a million Israeli people were penned in an enclave blockaded by a superpower and suffering malnutrition, lack of housing and medical care, any assistance to them would be cast in the highest and most brightly colored language of humanitarian altruism, and not in terms of "pro-Israeli" partisanship.
Hoffman is the author of Judaism Discovered.
